Sunday, June 12, 2011

First eyass fledged three hours ago

The first eyass took off at 7:00 AM this morning, and flew strongly, albeit a bit wobbly, into the closest tree, about 30 yards from the nest.  It made a fine landing!  Carolyn Sutton caught the eyass hopping to a new branch.

Both parent haggards were close by, monitoring the situation, and the eyass in the tree knew they were there.

Check back here in a couple of hours and I will have posted a more through account of the morning with pictures.  All is very well with the Franklin eyasses - right on schedule and looking good!


  1. Aren't we lucky that you were down there at that moment! Thanks ever do much for putting it up so fast.

  2. Never ceases to amaze how quickly and magically they
    go from eggs to flying birds. Thanks so much for sharing
    all the good and fascinating news. news
